Environment Current Affairs

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Environment current affairs have been marked by rising temperatures, record-breaking CO2 levels, and increasing environmental crises. From the hottest year on record to alarming rates of deforestation, the planet faces a critical situation that demands urgent action.

One-liner Questions on Environment Current Affairs

  1. What year was the hottest on record?
  2. How much higher were 2023 global temperatures compared to pre-industrial levels?
  3. What was the increase in temperature compared to the eleven-month average of 2016?
  4. How many record-breaking months were recorded in 2023?
  5. How high are current CO2 levels in the atmosphere?
  6. What were CO2 levels consistently at for 6,000 years before the Industrial Revolution?
  7. Who attributes the increase in CO2 levels to human activity?
  8. What are the main causes of CO2 emissions according to NOAA?
  9. How do greenhouse gases affect the Earth’s atmosphere?
  10. What global events have been linked to the increase in global temperatures?
  11. Which countries have experienced devastating bushfires?
  12. What catastrophic event occurred in Antarctica due to global warming?
  13. What are some consequences of crossing environmental tipping points?
  14. What region’s permafrost melt is advancing due to the climate crisis?
  15. What has been happening to the Greenland ice sheet in recent years?
  16. How frequent are tropical storms and hurricanes compared to before?
  17. Would halting greenhouse gas emissions immediately stop global temperature rise?
  18. Why is it important to start reducing greenhouse gas emissions now?
  19. Which economist links the climate crisis to market failures?
  20. What solution have economists suggested to tackle emissions?
  21. How does the carbon tax benefit low-carbon innovations?
  22. How many countries currently implement a national carbon tax?
  23. In which EU country has the carbon tax been notably effective?
  24. What are the economic benefits of Sweden’s carbon tax?
  25. What organization is considered unfit to deal with the climate crisis?
  26. What was the main goal of the UN when it was established?
  27. What is the Paris Agreement?
  28. Why is signing the Paris Agreement voluntary?
  29. How much food waste is generated globally each year?
  30. What percentage of food waste occurs at the post-harvest level in developing countries?
  31. Why is so much food wasted at the retail level in developed countries?
  32. What is the environmental impact of food waste globally?
  33. What percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions is caused by food waste?
  34. What is the estimated percentage of biodiversity loss from 1970 to 2016?
  35. What are the main causes of biodiversity loss?
  36. How many species are on the brink of extinction?
  37. What could cause emperor penguins to face extinction by 2100?
  38. How much plastic waste is generated annually?
  39. What percentage of all plastic is not recycled?
  40. How long does it take plastic to decompose?
  41. What percentage of Earth’s forests is estimated to remain by 2030?
  42. Which countries experience the highest levels of deforestation?
  43. What is the size of the Amazon rainforest?
  44. What are the main drivers of deforestation globally?
  45. How many hectares of trees are cut down annually?
  46. What are the health effects of outdoor air pollution according to WHO?
  47. What is the most polluted area in the world in terms of air quality?
  48. How does air pollution affect life expectancy in South Asia?
  49. What is the current annual rate of sea level rise?
  50. Which regions are at risk of severe flooding due to rising sea levels?

Answers to Questions on Environment Current Affairs

  1. 2023
  2. 1.46°C above pre-industrial levels
  3. 0.13°C
  4. Six
  5. Above 420 ppm
  6. Around 280 ppm
  7. Rick Spinrad, NOAA Administrator
  8. Fossil fuel burning, deforestation, agriculture
  9. They trap heat, leading to global warming
  10. Bushfires, locust swarms, heatwaves
  11. Australia and the US
  12. Temperatures rose above 20°C for the first time
  13. Permafrost melt, ice sheet melting, species extinction
  14. Arctic regions
  15. It’s melting at an unprecedented rate
  16. More frequent and intense
  17. No, temperatures would still rise
  18. To avoid catastrophic consequences
  19. Nicholas Stern
  20. Carbon taxes
  21. By making high-emission activities more expensive
  22. 27
  23. Sweden
  24. Reduced emissions by 25%, economy grew by 75%
  25. The United Nations
  26. To prevent another world war
  27. A global agreement to reduce emissions
  28. There are no repercussions for non-compliance
  29. 1.3 billion tons
  30. 40%
  31. Aesthetic reasons
  32. It’s responsible for one-quarter of emissions
  33. 25%
  34. 68%
  35. Land-use change, illegal wildlife trade
  36. Over 500 species
  37. Climate change-triggered ice melt
  38. 300 million tons
  39. 91%
  40. 400 years
  41. 10%
  42. Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia
  43. 6.9 million square kilometers
  44. Agriculture, livestock farming
  45. 10 million hectares
  46. 4.2 to 7 million deaths annually
  47. South Asia
  48. Life expectancy is cut by 5 years
  49. 3.2 mm per year
  50. Coastal cities like Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Manila

Key Takeaways:

  1. 2023 was the hottest year on record.
  2. CO2 levels have more than doubled since pre-industrial times.
  3. Greenhouse gases contribute significantly to global warming.
  4. Emission reduction must start immediately to limit damage.
  5. Market failures are a key contributor to the climate crisis.
  6. Carbon taxes can stimulate green innovation.
  7. The UN is not fully equipped to tackle climate change.
  8. Food waste accounts for a quarter of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
  9. Plastic pollution in oceans is a critical environmental issue.
  10. Air pollution significantly reduces life expectancy in many regions.

Also Read: Current Affairs Related to the Environment

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