GK/General Awareness/G-Studies -Space

  GK/General Awareness/G-Studies Space   1- The Orbital period of Moon is 27 days. 2-Moon is called Earth’s satellite. 3-Saturn,Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune (4 planets) have Rings around them. 4-The planet with the most number of moons is Jupiter with 66 moons. 5-PLUTO is the coldest and smallest of all planets. 6-The closest planet to … Read more


Science -Important points-Space 1-Carbon Dioxide gas composes 95.32% of Mars’s atmosphere 2-The minimum distance between Earth and Mars is 35 million miles 3-The length of day of Mars is 24.6229 hours 4-Mariner 4  spacecraft first visited Mars. 5- Mars take to orbit the Sun in 686.98 days. 6-Asaph Hall discovered the two satellites of Mars … Read more


GK on Universe and Space 1-Sun was born roughly 4.6 billion years ago. 2- The diameter of Sun is 1,392,684 km (865,374 mi). 3-The distance between sun and earth is 92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km) 4-Sun’s Chemical Composition are 71% of Hydrogen, 26.5% Helium and2.5% of other elements. 5-Which planet is known as the Morning Star … Read more


Questions on Space science 1- INSAT I-B was launced from Cape Canaveral (Florida) on (a) SEP, 1983 (b) SEP, 1984 (c) SEP, 1988 (d) None Ans -SEP, 1983 2-India’s satellite launch-pad is located at (a) Shri Hari Kota (b) Thumba (c) Ahmedabad (d) Dehradun Ans- Shri Hari Kota 3-The code name of the first vehicle … Read more


Space Facts – 1-There may be 20 trillion galaxies in the Universe. 2-For a satellite or a spacecraft to stay in orbit 200 km above the earth, it has to fly over 8 km/sec. 3-Saturn’s rings are sets of thin rings of ice, dust and tiny rocks, which orbit the planet around its equator. 4-The … Read more


A pair of NASA  spacecraft Ebb and Flow tumbled out of orbit around the moon and crashed into the surface ending a mission that peered into lunar interior. The demise of Ebb and Flow comes on the same month as the 40th launch anniversary of Apollo 17, the last manned mission to the moon. The … Read more