History -Facts of Ancient India
1-The people of Lothal used rice in 1800 B.C
2- The prominent female sages were Lopamudra, Ghosa, Shachi and Poulomi.
3-Rig Ved has two Brahmans—(1) Aitereya, (2) Kaushitaki.
4- Sam Ved and Atharav Ved have no Aranyakas.
5- During the Rigvedic period Nishk was an ornament for the neck; Karnashobhan was an ornament for the ear and Kumbh was the ornament for the head.
6- The Aranyakas deal with life, death and other serious themes. These are written and studied in loneliness of the forests.
7- In Harappan culture, the worship of Earth as goddess was in vogue. This is indicated by the idol of a woman with a plant growing out of her womb.
8- In Harappan culture the weight (for measuring) were 16 or of its multiplied numbers.
9- The Harappan Fort in the shape of a parallel square is 460 yards in length (north-south) 215 yards in breadth (east-west) and 15-17 yards in height.
10- Lothal was situated at that time near the ocean. In excavations the remains of a dockyard have been found which testify to the trade relations of Indus people with western Asia.
11- In the excavation of Indus civilization, a very big building has been explored. It is 242 ft long and 112 ft broad. The walls are 5 ft thick.
12-The Talismans obtained in large numbers indicate that the people of Harappan culture believed in witchcraft or the dead souls.
These talismans were made of bronze and copper in the form of plate.
13- The Brahmans of Sam Ved are Tandav, Panchvish, Sadvish and Chhandogya.
14-In the Rigvedic age, the Aryans domesticated the cow, the buffalo, goat (ajaa), horse, elephant and camel etc.
15- In Rig Veda, Usha, Sita, Prithvi, Aranyani, Ratri, Vak are worshipped as goddesses.
16- Ballabh and Tarukshadas were chieftains who lavishly donated to the Purohits and through their grace obtained respect and high place in the Aryan society.
17- Prajapati has been referred as the Adi Purush—the first human (male). The gods were his children.
18- The main crop of the later Vedic age was wheat and paddy instead of barley.
19- The Gotra system began in the later Vedic age. The custom of marrying outside the Gotra also started.
20- Sangam literature is compiled in 8 books. They are—(1) Narune, (2) Kuruntoge, (3) Aigunuru, (4) Padirupyuttu, (5) Paripadal, (6) Karlittorga, (7) Nedultoge, (8) Purnanuru.