History One-Liners for various competitive examination

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History One-Liners for various competitive examination

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 Maximum questions come from this portion of different competitive exams.

Here are some important History one-liners for students competing for various exams

Watch some of the important Bits below. 

1- Vedas are the oldest text of Hinduism and forms the most erstwhile layer of Sanskrit literature.

2-The subject matter of the whole Veda is divided into Karma Kanda, Upasana Kanda, and Jnana Kanda.

3-Karma Kanda Section deals with various sacrifices and rituals; Upasana Kanda(Worship Section) throws light about the various kinds of worship or meditation and Jnana Kanda(Knowledge Section) deals with the highest knowledge of Nirguna Brahman.

4-Aryans gave us the Sanskrit language which is regarded as the most perfect and scientific language in the world.

5-The Veda is divided into four great books namely the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda.

6-The Yajur Veda is further divided into two parts, the Sukla and the Krishna.

7-Rig Veda is the most ancient work of Indian Literature.There are a number of deities mentioned in the Rig Veda, the most important among them being Indra and Varuna.

8-Authors of Rig Veda are the eight female writers who have essentially composed the hymns of the Vedas. They are Vak Devi, Biswavara, Aditi, Apala, Yami, Urvashi, Lopamudra, and Romasa.

9-Rig Veda is a storehouse of information on the lifestyle, religious, social and cultural practices of the people of the Vedic age.

10-Kausitaki Upanishad is a part of the Brahmanas of the Rig Veda.

11-Bhagavad Gita is the Holy Book of Hinduism. It is a part of the Mahabharata and it explores a detailed philosophical discourse given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

12-The date of composition of the text of Bhagavad Gita is believed to have been written around 150 B.C.

13-The Gita is penned down in the form of a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, taking place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

14-The Gita contains 700 verses in 18 chapters. Krishna is the speaker of Bhagavad Gita.

15-Kurukshetra is the religious city located in Haryana. The meaning of the word ‘Kurukshetra’ means the land of the Kauravas.

Also, watch another post on History here

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