1-Speaker of Lok Sabha is eligible to cast the deciding vote over a bill in a Joint Parliamentary session
2- The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was associated with Panchayati Raj
3-In Germany country Financial Legislation is introduced in the Upper House of the Legislature.
4-When the offices of both President and Vice President of India are vacant , Chief Justice of India will discharge their functions
5-The High Courts in India were first set up in Bombay, Madras and Calcutta
6-The color of the Dharma Chakra in the middle of our National Flag is Navy Blue
7-In order to be recognised as an official opposition Group in the Parliament, 1/10th of the total strength seats should it have.
8-An appeal to the High Court lies in case the Session Court has awarded the punishment of four years or more
9-The Constitution of India lays down that the two Houses of Parliament must be summoned at least twice a year
10- The secretary General of the Lok Sabha is the Chief of its secretariat and is appointed by the Speaker
11-The President is the competent to dissolve the Parliament
12-Fundamental rights in India are guaranteed by it though ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies’.
13-Article 14 of the Indian Constitution guarantees Indian citizens Equality before law and equal protection of the laws.
14-Satyameva Jayate is the motto inscribed under our National emblem.
15-Zero hour was introduced in the Parliamentary affairs in India in 1962.
16-The salaries and emoluments of the judges of the Supreme Court are charged on ‘The Consolidated Fund of India’.
17- In the absence of Chief Justice of India, Judge of Supreme Court gives Oath to President .
18-To initiate procedure for removal of president, 1/4th members are required in either house of Parliament
19-President gives resignation to Vice President
20-IMPEACHMENT (Removal of President) is mentioned in article 61