Affected Body Parts Due To Various Diseases
Asthma Bronchial muscles
Arthritis Joints
AIDS Immune system of the body
The red ribbon is a symbol for solidarity with HIV-positive people and those living with AIDS
Bronchitis Lungs
Cataract Eye
Magnified view of a cataract seen on examination with a slit lamp
Carditis Heart
Cystitis Bladder
Conjunctivitis Eye
An eye with viral conjunctivitis
Colitis Intestine
Diphtheria Throat
Dermatitis Skin
Diabetes Pancreas and blood
Eczema Skin
Glossitis Tongue
lossitis in a person with scarlet fever (“red strawberry tongue”).
Glaucoma Eye
Acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye. Note the mid-sized pupil, which was nonreactive to light, and redness of the conjunctiva.
Gastritis Stomach
Hepatitis Liver
Jaundice Liver
A person with jaundice
Meningitis Brain and spinal cord
Malaria Spleen
Myelitis Spinal cord
Neuritis Nerves
Osteomyelitis Bones
Otitis Ear
Pyorrhoea Teeth
Paralysis Nerves and limb
Pneumonia Lungs
A chest X-ray showing a very prominent wedge-shape area of airspace consolidation in the right lung characteristic of bacterial pneumonia.
Peritonitis Abdomen
Rheumatism Joints
Rhinitis Nose
Trachoma Eye
Tonsillitis Tonsils
Tuberculosis Lungs