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Micro Organisms -Various Study

1-Microbiology as a science was born in 1674 when Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (fabric merchant) observed a drop of lake water through a glass lens that he had carefully found.

2- Leeuwenhoek built a single lens powerful microscope, which could magnify the object 300 times.

3-Observation of different things under his microscope helped Anthony van Leeuwenhoek to discover small moving organisms in 1678. He called them “animalcules.” Later these
were named bacteria.

4-There are several bacteria growing on our skin

5- There are different kinds of bacteria in our intestine which are useful in digestion.

6- Bacteria are found everywhere and there are over thousand types of them in soil, water etc

7-In 1997 Heide N. Schulz discovered a biggest bacteria Thiomargarita namibiensis found in coastal waters of Namibia (0.75mm), which can be seen with unaided eye.

8- We observe greenish pond water in our surroundings. It is greenish because of growth of Algae and other plants which grow in water.

9-Some of Algae like Chara, Spirogyra etc. can be seen with unaided eye, but most of the algae present in water are microscopic.

10-The other group of microorganisms is protozoa. They are yet another group of microorganisms present in water and soil.

11-Some micro arthropods help in increasing soil fertility by decomposing the biomass through digestion. It converts the bigger compounds into smaller compounds. These are to be found
on our skin, eyelids, beddings, rugs etc

12-Some micro arthropods cause diseases like scabies e.g  scabies mites.

13-Soil is highly rich in microorganisms such a bacteria, fungi, protozoa, micro arthropods.

14- The top eight inches of soil of one acre area may contain as much as five and half tons of fungi and bacteria.

15-Viruses are  microorganisms, which behave like non living things when they are outside a living cell. They can reproduce only in host living cells

Viruses behave like living organisms when they are inside host living cells and reproduce just like bacteria, plants or animals.

16-Diseases like polio, swine flu, conjunctivitis, smallpox, chickenpox and AIDS are caused by viruses.

17-Diseases like typhoid, tuberculosis (T.B) and septicemia (blood poisoning) are caused by bacteria.

18-Diseases like Malaria, Amoebiasis are caused by Protozoans.

19-Curd or buttermilk contains bacterium named lactobacillus.

20- Lactobacillus converts the milk into curd.

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