Biology -Glossary Terms-Continue…
Breathing: A series of movements made by intercostals, the rib cage and pectorals to enable the air to get into the lungs.
Intercostals: Muscles between the ribs that contract and relax during inhalation and exhalation.
Inhalation: It is breathing in.
Exhalation: It is breathing out.
Pulmonary Vein/Artery: These are Blood vessels from which blood passes from and into the heart. They are connected to the lungs and the heart.
Ribs: Bones that surround the lungs.
Plasma: It is a part of the fluid in blood.
Bronchioles: These are small pipes from which air passes. These are found inside the lungs.
Tar: It is a chemical found in cigarettes.
Diaphragm: A muscle present only in mammals to ease inhalation and exhalation. This muscle is found under the lungs.
Nicotine: It is colourless, liquid alkaloid, oily, C10H14N2 that constitutes the principal active chemical constituent of tobacco.
Hydrogen carbonate ions: Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood by this ion.
Blood capillaries: These are very, very small blood vessels that surround alveoli. The blood vessels are very thin and tender and are found in many other places in the body.
Carbon monoxide: It is a poisonous gas released by lightened cigarettes.
Goblet Cells: These are Mucus secreting cells.
Epithelium: It is a layer of cells that serve as a protective covering over a surface, such as the outside of an organ or the lining of a cavity wall in the body.
Poisonous gases in the air are Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone.
Lung Diseases are Pneumonia, TB (Tuberculosis) and other dust diseases.
Diseases caused by smoking are Bronchitis, Emphysema and Lung Cancer
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