Biology- Important Facts-One Liners
1-Number of Cells in Body 75 trillion
2-Blood Volume 6.8 liters (in 70 kg body)
3-Normal W.B.C Count 5000 – 1000 / cubic mm
4-Number of R.B.C (a) In Male: 4.5 – 5.0 million / cubic mm.(b) In Female: 4.0 – 4.5 million / cubic mm
5- Normal B.P 120 / 80 mm Hg
6- The length of Alimentary Canal Approximately- 8 meters.
7-BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) – 1600 K. Cal/day.
8-Weight of Brain: 1400 gms

9-Life Span of W.B.C : 3 – 4 days
10-Life Span of R.B.C: 120 days
11-Average Body Weight: 70 kg
12-Largest Endocrine Gland: Thyroid
13-Hb Content in Body 500 – 700 gm
14-Blood Platelets Count: 2,00,000 – 4,00,000 / cubic mm
15-Longest Bone Femur (Thigh bone).
16-Universal Blood Recipient: AB
17-Normal Body Temperature: 98.4° F or 37° C
18-Universal Blood Donor: O Rh -ve
19-Haemoglobin (a) In Male: 14 – 15.6 gm / 100 c.c. of blood
(b)In Female: 11 – 14 gm / 100 c.c. of blood
20-Blood Clotting Time: 2 – 5 minutes
21-Gestation Period 9 months (253 – 266 days)
22-Smallest W.B.C: Lymphocyte
23-Largest Muscle in the Body- Gluteus maximus (Buttock Muscle)
24-Longest Cell: Neuron (Nerve Cell)

25-Normal Heart Beat= 72 – 75 / minute
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