1- The Code of Bank’s Commitment has been issued by BCSBI.
2-The three pillars of the Basel II framework are Minimum capital requirements,Market discipline and Supervisory review.
3-The minimum shareholding of RBI in SBI should be 55 % as per SBI Act.
4-SBI Cards credit card company has tied up the Railways to issue a credit cum loyalty card.
5-The name of Microsoft Corporation India’s IT initiative for setting up IT kiosks in rural areas is named Saksham.
6-South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) covers the seven countries who are members of SAARC countries.
7-NIXI stands for Notional Inter Exchange interest
8-The Demutualisation Ordinance amending the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 deals with compulsory corporatisation of stock exchanges to bring about transparency and efficiency
in their operations.
9-The first SEZ promoted by a corporate is Mahindra SEZ, Pune
10-The minimum maturity period for Commercial Paper (CP) is 7 days.
11-Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of SEBI refers to corporate governance and financial penalties including delisting for companies who do not appoint the required number of independent directors on their board.
12-A Medium Enterprise is defined as one in which investment in plant and machinery is over the SSI limit, but less than Rs. 10 cr.
13-A Bank’s aggregate capital market exposure has been capped at 40 % of its net worth.
14-Value added tax (VAT) is a type of tax levied on value added by any economic activity, and covers commodities and services at the manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing levels.
15- Narasimhan committee had recommended the amalgamation of RRBs promoted by sponsor banks.
16-Bharat Nirman is a four-year business plan embarked by the Government of India for providing rural infrastructure in the areas of irrigation & water supply, electrification , housing ,telecommunication & connectivity.
17-MCA21 is e-governance project of the Ministry of Company Affairs, will enable companies to file their returns online with the Registrar of Companies and it was launched as a pilot in Coimbatore, with plans to extend to Delhi and others.
18-The risk weightage on banks’ exposure to capital market exposures is 150%
19-RBI pays interest on CRR balances of banks at Zero %
20-Financial Intelligence Unit is set up by Finance Ministry, GOI for tightening anti-money laundering measures.