Chemistry One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important Chemistry one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Chemistry Bits below.
1- The first ever successful classification of elements was done by Mendeleef.
2- In Mendeleev’s table, the elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic weights.
3- Mendeleev predicted three unknown elements They are eka-boron(Sc), eka-aluminium (Ga) and eka-silicon(Ge).
4- Mendeleef corrected the atomic weights of Be, U etc.
5- Moseley’s Periodic Law: Properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic number.
6- Modern Periodic Law: Properties of elements are a periodic function of their electronic configuration.
7- The Long form of periodic table consists of 16 groups and 7 periods.
8- There are only two elements in the first period.
9- There are eight elements in second and third periods.
10- There are eighteen elements in fourth and fifth periods.
11- There are 32 elements in the sixth period.
12- The Seventh period is incomplete.
13- Based on the differentiating electron, the elements are classified into s, p, d, and f blocks.
14- Each period starts with an alkali metal and ends with an inert gas( except Hydrogen).
15- All s-block elements are soft metals.
16- All d and f-block elements are metals.
17- All types of elements, metals, non-metals, semi-metals and inert gases are present in p-block.
18- s-block elements and p-block elements except inert gases are representative elements.
19- The first reasonable classification of elements was given by Dobereiner.
20- A set of three elements of similar properties arranged in the increasing order of their atomic weights is called a triad.
21- Law of Octaves was given by Newlands.
22- According to the law of Octaves, if the elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic weights, every eighth element resembles the first one.
23- All f-block elements are inner transition elements and vice versa.
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