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Chemistry Terms -Glossary

1-heat – energy transferred from one system to another by thermal interaction

2-halogens – Group 7 on the Periodic Table and are all non-metals

3-ionization -The breaking up of a compound into separate ions.

4-indicator – a special compound added to solution that changes color depending on the acidity of the solution; different indicators have different colors and effective pH ranges

5-ionic bond – electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions

6-inorganic compound – compounds that do not contain carbon, though there are exceptions (see main article)

7-ion – a molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons

8-inorganic chemistry – a part of chemistry concerned with inorganic compounds

9-insulator – material that resists the flow of electric current

10-IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

11-Joule – The SI unit of energy, defined as a newton-meter.

12-jodium – Latin name of the halogen element iodine

13-Kinetic energy – The energy of an object due to its motion.

14-Kelvin – A unit of measure for temperature based upon an absolute scale.

15-Kinetics – A sub-field of chemistry specializing in reaction rates

16-Law of Motion – An object in motion stays in motion; an object at rest stays at rest unless an unbalanced force acts on it.

17-lanthanides – Elements 57 through 71

18-liquid – A state of matter which takes the shape of its container.

19-light – Portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which is visible to the naked eye. Also called “visible light.”

20-London dispersion forces – A weak intermolecular force

21-lattice – Unique arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid.

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