1. Metals occur in nature some times free but mostly in combined sate.
2.The minerals from which the metals can be conveniently and economically extracted are
know as ores.
3.All the ores can be minerals but all minerals can’t be ores.
4. Metals which are least reactive and have little affinity for oxygen, moisture and other
chemical reagents occur in uncombined state.
5. Natural substances in which metals or, their compounds occur in earth are called
6.Metallurgy is defined as the whole process of obtained a pure metal from one of its ore.
7.Ores may be divided in four groups.
* Native ores
* Sulphurised and arsenical ores
* Oxidised ores
*Halide ores
8. Three main operation are involved in metallurgy
* Concentration or, dressing
* Reduction
*Purification or, refining
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