General Awareness – -Miscellaneous,
1- In astronomy what are rapidly rotating neutron stars called ?- Pulsars.
2-What microscopic animals name comes from Greek little Staff ?- Bacteria.
3-What gemstone was reputed to heal eye ailments ?- Emerald
4- What Russian revolutionary founded Pravda ?- Leon Trotsky.
5-What are ratite birds the only ones not to do ?- Fly.
6-According to its name what major Italian city is the new city ? – Naples – short for Neopolis
7- What is the only flag permitted to be flown over the US flag ?- United Nations Flag.
8-The word Atom comes from the Greek meaning what ?- Indestructible.
9-What actor died during the filming of Gladiator ?- Oliver Reed
Oliver Reed with his wife Kate Byrne
10- Who would perform the Maha Mantra ?- Hari Krishnas
11-In New York where is it illegal to talk to a stranger ?- An Elevator.
12-What part of the body is most bitten by insects ?- The Foot
13- In sport what is exactly 5 foot 8 inches off the ground ?- Bullseye on Dartboard
14- An average person does it six times a day – what ?- Goes to bathroom
15- What is the oldest known cultivated vegetable ?- The Pea.
16-In Florida it is illegal for a single woman to do what on Sunday ?- Skydive.
17-In what European city was the first book in English published ?- Bruges – Belgium.
18- In what US state is the town of Maggie’s Nipples ?- Wyoming
19- The Musee de Orsay in Paris was originally what ?- Railway Station.
20- Meridian is a shade of what colour ?- Green.
21 In what country was John McEnroe born ?- Germany.
22-Juliet Gordon Low founded what in Savannah Georgia 1912 ?- Girl Guides.
23- California illegal to shoot game from moving vehicle except what ?- Whale
24- Where is your Puricle ?- Space thumb extended forefinger
25- What European country has no head of state ?- Switzerland.
26- Almonds – the nuts – are members of what general family ?- Peach.
Young and Mature Almond fruit
27-The cob nut is the fruit of what tree ?- Hazel.
Hazel Nuts
28- The Rikkesmuseum is in what European city ?- Amsterda
29- A shark is the only fish that can do it – do what ?- Blink with both eyes same time
30- In Italy what is Provolone ?- Smoked hard cheese