GK -Geography
1 – Contour : It is a line joining places with equal height.
2-Thematic maps- Maps representing a particular topic or theme.
3-Escarpment – An area of high ground from an area of lower ground is called escarpment.
4-Cartography -The process or skill of making maps.
5-Map -A map is a representation or a drawing of the total or a part of earth’s surface drawn on the surface according to a scale.
6-Scale -It is the ratio between actual distance on the ground and the distance shown on the map.
7-Plan-It is a drawing of a small area on a large scale.
8-Sketch -Imaginary or rough drawing drawn without scale.
9-Political maps- Maps showing cities, towns and villages and different countries and states of the world with their boundaries.
10-Directions- There are four cardinal points -North, South, East and West.
11-Projection – A map or diagram made by projecting a given figure, area etc.
12-Symbols -A sign , shape or object which is used to represent something else.
13-Physical Map- It shows natural features of the earth such as mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers and oceans.
14-Density of population- It denotes the number of persons available persquare kilometre of area.
15-Andaman and Nicobar Islands are situated at the Bay of Bengal.
16 -Temperature decreases with elevation.
17-The energy constantly emitted by the sun is known as solar radiation.
18-The temperature differences between places causes winds and rains.
19-The diversity of the earth which we can not see but only feel is temperature.
20-In certain places temperature does not decrease with altitude instead it may increase.This phenomenon is called inversion of temperature.