Geography One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important Geography one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Geography Bits
1- A Mediterranean type of climate is best suited for horticulture.
2- North Atlantic Route is the busiest oceanic trade route
3- Marine Ecosystem covers the largest area of the earth’s surface.
4- The Karakoram Highway connects countries China – Pakistan
5- The broken hill is famous for zinc and lead in Australia
6- Mangrove vegetation in India is most extensive in Sundarbans forest
7- After 76 years Halley’s comet appear once
8- Phnom-Penh city is associated with the river Mekong.
9-Young folded mountains are most prone to earthquakes
10-Western Ghats is a global biodiversity hotspot in India.
11-The biome Tropical Rain Forests has the highest species diversity
12- Rice crop requires a continuous semiaquatic condition for cultivation
13-The tornadoes are very strong tropical cyclones originating in the Caribbean Sea
14- The soil-free farming is Hydroponics
15-Congo river crosses the equator twice
16-The deepest surface depression on earth is Mariana Trench
17-Lake Titicaca is known as honeymoon lake.
18-To an astronaut outer space appear as Black
19-The fertile land between two rivers is called Doab
20- Greenland country is situated geographically in America but politically a part of Europe
21- Eucalyptus is the fastest growing tree

22-Madagascar is the largest island in the Indian Ocean
23- Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in South Andaman island
24- Kharif crop are grown with the onset of monsoon & are harvested in September-October
25-Andhra Pradesh state in India is known as Rice Bowl
26-Lines joining places receiving equal amount of rainfall are Isohytes
27-Panchmarhi hill station is known as the Queen of Satpura

28- India is divided into four seismic zones according to the earthquake zoning map
29- Atlantic ocean is called Herring Pond
30-Doldrums- Tropical no wind belt
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