List of largest and longest river, lake, peak, mountain, animals and others .
Largest lake Caspian Sea
Largest River Island Majuli
Largest Island Greenland
Highest Peak Mount Everest
Longest Wall Wall of China
Longest River Nile (6,650 Km)
Third Highest Peak Kanchanjangha
Second Highest Peak K2 / Godwin Austin
Largest continent Asia
Largest Coral formation Bahrin
Largest sweat water lake Lake Superior
Largest Desert Sahara
Largest Archipelago Indonesia
Highest Mountain range The Himalayas
Largest Deltas Ganga Brahamputra Delta
Longest Railway Trans-Siberian Railway (9,289 km)
Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico
Deepest Lake Baikal (1,642 mtr / 5,387 ft, Russia-Mongolia)
Longest Mountain range Andes (7,000 km, South America)
Tallest Animal Giraffe
Largest Volcano Mauna Loa (Hawaii Big Island)
Fastest Animal Cheatah (Updated-Peregrine Falcon bird)
Highest Lake Lake Titika