National flower of Italy is Lily
World Environment day is observed on 5th June
Permanant secretariat of SAARC is located at Kathmandu
The primary producer of newsprint in the world is Canada
Norway known as the ‘Land of the midnight Sun’
National flower of China is Narcissus
Most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was Guermica
The first industrial revolution took place in England
The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil
The first Republican President of America was Abraham Lincoln
‘Last Judgement’ was the first painting of an Italian painter named as Michealangelo
Name of Alexander’s horse was Beucephalus
The person called the “Father of Modern Italy” was G. Garibaldi
The famous British one-eyed Admiral was Nelson
Earlier name of Sri Lanka was Ceylon
The first Pakistani to receive Nobel Prize was Abdul Salam
UNO was formed in the year 1945
The first man to reach North Pole was Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
The place known as the roof of the world is Tibet
The first explorer to reach South Pole is Cap. Ronald Amundsun
The founder of Chinese Republic was San Yat Sen
World Literacy day is 8th September
Founder of modern Germany is Bismark