1-Brahui is a language of Baluchistan but linguistically Dravidian
2- The earliest evidence of silver in India is found in the Harappan culture.
3-Kila-i-Kuhna mosque at Delhi is a monument constructed by Sher Shah
4- The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is Priyadarsi
5-The last in succession of Jaina Tirthankaras was Mahavira
6-The Ryotwari settlement was introduced by the British in the Madras and Bombay Presidencies
7-Uplift of the backward classes was the main programme of the Satya Shodhak Samaj
8-The foundation of modern education system in India was laid by Macaulay’s Minutes of 1835
9-The first political organisation established in India in 1838 was known as Zamindary Association
10- Ashokan inscriptions were first deciphered by James Prinsep
11- In Jainism ‘perfect knowledge is referred to as Kaivalya
12-A lot of details regarding the village administration under the Cholas is provided by the inscriptions at Uttaramerur
13-Chanakya was known as Vishnugupta
14- The founder of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides movement was Baden Powell.
15-The term nishka which meant an ornament in the Vedic period was used in later times to denote a/an Coin
16-The word Hindu as reference to the people of Hind (India) was first used by ‘The Greeks’
17-The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by Jainism
18-Ashtapradhan was a Council of Ministers in the Maratha administration
19-The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar was borrowed from the system followed in Mongolia
20- The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora are Hindu, Buddhist and Jain