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Human Muscle Facts

  •  Muscle is a soft tissue in the body of humans and animals.
    Its main purpose is to produce force and motion.
    Muscles are responsible for maintaining posture, physical
    movement (sitting, walking, eating, etc), and movement of internal organs (such
    as keeping the heart pumping to circulate blood and moving food through the
    digestive system).
    The word muscle is derived from the Latin term musculus,
    meaning “little mouse”. This Latin term could be due to the shape of
    some muscles or because muscles contracting under the skin can look like a
    mouse moving under a rug.
    Tendons connect our soft contracting muscle to our hard
    There are around 650 skeletal muscles in the human body.
    There are three types of muscle, skeletal, cardiac, and
    Skeletal muscles (or striated) are voluntary muscles that
    control nearly every action a person intentionally performs. Tendons attach the
    muscle to two bones across a joint, as one muscle contracts the other relaxes
    which moves the bones.
    Skeletal muscle can be further divided into two types, slow
    twitch and fast twitch.
    Slow twitch (Type I) muscle contain proteins that give it a
    rich red color. This muscle carries more oxygen efficiently and using fats,
    proteins or carbs as energy slow twitch muscle fibers contract over a long
    period of time.
    Therefore type I muscle fiber works well for aerobic sports
    such as long distance running and cycling.
    Fast twitch (Type II) muscle is whiter in color as it has
    less myoglobin (a oxygen carrying protein). Fast twitch fibers contract quickly
    and powerfully, however they fatigue rapidly.
    Therefore type II muscle fiber is useful for anaerobic
    exercise such as sprinting or for strength sports like weightlifting.
    Smooth muscle (or visceral) is involuntary, its not
    controlled by our conscious mind. It is found on the walls of many organs and
    structures such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines, bladder, and blood
    vessels. Smooth muscles contract to move substances such as food through the
    Cardiac muscle is also an involuntary muscle. It is only
    found in the heart and is responsible for keeping the heart pumping.
    Muscle makes up around half of the total human body weight.
    Muscle tissue is also around 15% denser than fat tissue.

    It takes 17 muscles in the face for us to smile and 43
    muscles to frown.
  • If muscle strength is regarded as the ability to use force
    on something then the jaw muscle (masseter) is the strongest in the body.
    The strongest muscles in relation to the job they have to do
    is the external muscles of the eye which are large and about 100 times stronger
    than they need to be in relation to the small size and weight of the eyeball.
    The tongue has 8 muscles, so is technically not the
    strongest muscle in the body.
    The heart cardiac muscle does the most work of any muscle
    over a lifetime.
    Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects balance and motor
    functions, while muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that damages muscle
    Muscle memory is created by practising an action over and
    over again. Our muscles fine tune themselves, becoming more precise and exact
    in what they do. So practice is very important when learning a sport!!

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