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Inventions – Inventors

Ami Argand (1750–1803), France – Argand lamp

Automobile- Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler- 1885

Anatoly Alexandrov (1903–1994), Russia – anti-mine demagnetising of ships, naval nuclear reactors
(including one for the first nuclear icebreaker)

Joseph Aspdin (1788–1855), UK – Portland cement

Archimedes (c. 287–212 BC), Greece – Archimedes’ screw

Barbie doll- Ruth Handler- 1959

Bruce Ames (born 1928), USA – Ames test (cell biology)

Basketball game- James Naismith- 1891

Roger Bacon (1214–1292), UK – magnifying glass

John Logie Baird (1888–1946), Scotland – an electromechanical television, electronic color television

Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922), UK, Canada, and USA – telephone

Battery- Alessandro Volta- 1800

Blue jeans- Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis- 1873

Braille typewriter- Frank Haven Hall- 1892

Maria Christina Bruhn (1732–1802), Sweden – Gunpowder

Bubble gum- Walter Diemer- 1928

Jagdish Chandra Bose (1858–1937), India – Crescograph

Bunsen burner- Robert Wilhelm Bunsen- 1855

Camera- Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre- 1837

Chester Carlson (1906–1968), USA – Xerography

Chewing gum- Thomas Adams- 1870

Coca-Cola- John Pemberton- 1886

Georges Claude (1870–1960), France – neon lamp

Computers- Konrad Zuse- 1936

Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655–1731), Italy – piano

Cotton candy- William Morrison and John C Wharton- 1897

Cotton Gin- Eli Whitney- 1794

James Dewar (1842–1923), UK – Thermos flask

Dishwasher- Joel Houghton- 1850

Electric iron- Henry W Seeley- 1882

Douglas Engelbart (1925–2013), USA – the computer mouse

Escalator- Jesse W Reno- 1891

Brendan Eich (born 1961), USA – JavaScript (programming language)

Julius Fromm (1883–1945), Germany – first seamless Condom

Fountain pen- Lewis E Waterman- 1884

Enrico Fermi (1901–1954), Italy – nuclear reactor

John Heysham Gibbon (1903–1973), USA – Heart-lung machine

Light Bulb (first electric light)- Humphry Davy- 1809

Norman Gaylord (1923–2007), USA – rigid gas-permeable contact lens

Light Bulb (first bulb that burned for forty hours)- Thomas Alva Edison- 1879

Charles Goodyear (1800–1860), USA – vulcanization of rubber

Paper clip- Johann Vaaler- 1890

Penicillin- Alexander Fleming- 1928

Potato chips- George Crum- 1853

Printing machine- Johannes Gutenberg- 1440

Refrigerator- Oliver Evans- 1805

Sewing Machine- Barthelemy Thimonnier- 1830

Steam Engine- James Watt- 1765

Reynold B. Johnson (1906–1998), USA – Hard disk drive

Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell- 1876

Steve Kirsch (born 1956), USA – Optical mouse

Television- Paul Nipkow- 1884

James Hargreaves (1720–1778), UK – spinning jenny

Toilet paper- Joseph Gayetty- 1857

Typewriter- Christopher Latham Sholes- 1867

Vacuum cleaner- John S Thurman- 1899

Rowland Hill (1795–1879), UK – postage stamp

Elias Howe (1819–1867), USA – sewing machine

Zipper- Whitcomb L Judson- 1893

Chuck Hull (born 1939), USA – 3D printer

John Napier (1550–1617), Scotland – logarithms

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