Polity One-Liners for various competitive examination

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Polity One-Liners for various competitive examination

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Here are some important Polity one-liners for students competing for various exams

 Watch some of the important Polity Bits below.

The Parliament

1- The Parliament consists of the President and two houses the Lok Sabha (house of people) and Rajya Sabha(Council of states).

2-The Parliament is the Union Legislature of India.

3-Article 79 to 123 in Part-V deals with the provisions of the Parliament.

Lok Sabha

1–Lower House of the Parliament is called Lok Sabha and it is also known as the first Chamber.

2- Members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people.

3- Total membership is fixed at 552 by the Constitution. Their distribution among the States and Union Territories are as follows-

* 530 representatives from the states. 

* 20 members from the Union Territories.

*  2 Anglo Indian members nominated by the President if such community has not been adequately represented

* Term of Lok Sabha is normally 5 years but it can be dissolved earlier by the President.

* Its term can be extended beyond 5 years by the Parliament. This can be done during the proclamation of emergency (Under Art 352).


* The Speaker presides over the Lok Sabha.


* Speaker and Deputy Speaker are elected by the members of Lok Sabha


* The Speaker continues in his office even if Lok Sabha is dissolved.


* He/she holds the office till the new Lok Sabha meets


* Deputy Speaker performs the duties of the speaker if the office of the speaker falls vacant.


* If the office of the Deputy Speaker is also vacant, duties of the Speaker shall be performed by a member of the house appointed by the President.


* If the Speaker wants to resign, the letter of resignation should be addressed to the Deputy Speaker and vice-versa.


* Up to the 10th Lok Sabha, both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker were usually from ruling party


4-Constitution 61st Amendment Act (1987) has reduced the age of voting from 21 to 18 years.

Watch more Polity here


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