Indian Polity-One Liners
1-Granville Austin described the Indian Constitution as the Cooperative Federation.
2-Lok Adalat System Facts
a-There are 15 permanent Lok Adalat’s in the country.
b-The Lok Adalat system is economically accessible, efficient and quick.
c-Divorce cases are not taken up by the Lok Adalats.
d-National Lok Adalats are being held on a specific subject matter every month(since 2015).
3-The measures of good governance are ushering unprecedented transparency, boosting the federalism and connectivities.
4-The Prime Minister’s Office is responsible for Acting as a Think Tank of PM, maintaining liaison with President and Governors and looking after the public relationships of the Prime Minister.
5-CENTRAL SECRETARIAT is the conglomeration of various ministries and departments in the government of India.
6-1935 The government of India Act-Emergency Provisions.
a-Schedule 4-Seats in Rajya Sabha.
b-Sheduke 7-Division of Powers.
c-Schedule 10-Anti-Defection Law.
d-Schedule 11-Panchayats
8-Special Status is guaranteed by the Constitution of India through an act passed by the two third majority in both the houses of the Parliament.

9-Special category status is granted by the National Development Council.
10-The financial committee of the Parliament is Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee and Committee on Public Undertakings.
11-Constitutionalism implies rationalized powers of state and the rationalized rights of the citizens.
12-The following aspects are taken into consideration to sanction a special category status.
a-Hilly and difficult terrain.
b- Low population density and/or sizeable share of the tribal population.
c- Strategic location along borders with neighboring countries.
d-Economic and infrastructural backwardness.
13-The following are the methods of reducing pendency of cases in the courts-
a- Alternative Dispute Resolution.
b-Arbitration and Conciliation.
c-Lok Adalat System.
14- Indian Constitution, when adopted by Constituent Assembly in 1949, had 395 articles and 22 parts.

15- As of now Indian constitution contains more than 444 articles in 25 parts