1.The first Europeans who came to India:- Portuguese
2.In which year,Goa occupied by portuguese?- 1510A.D.
3.After Portuguese,who established trade centers in our country?- Ducth People
4.The main centre for the trade centres of Dutch?- Pulicat(upto1689A.D.)
5.The British had to face the competion with whom in the trade activities?-Portuguese and Dutch
6.Who established joint East India Society in 1602?-The Dutch
7.Who found the sea route to India in the year 1498?-Vasco-da-Gama
8. The portugal royal representatives who strived forn the rise of commerce with India:-De Almeeda,Albuqurque
9.The main reason to find out the sea route to India by Eroupeans:-Capture of Constantinople by Turks in 1453 A.D.
10.The base of portuguese in AndraPradesh:-Machilipatanam
11.The business of Dutch people mainly continued on which articles and items?-Spices,coarseclothes,silk and pingani
12.Which was the important base for the british in the east coast?-Madras
13.In which year,was the factory at Machlipatanam established by the British?-1611A.D.
14.The Europeans who obtained the rights to mint thier own coins?-The Dutch
15.The bases of portuguese in India:-Goa,Diu,Daman,Salsetti,Bassain,Hugli and ChittagangV
16.Vasco-da-gama reached which region, first in India?-Calicut (Kallikota)
17.Where did the British establish a trade centre in East Godawari district?-Izira
18.The England Queen who permitted the english traders to trade with oriental countries:-Elizabeth I
19.The British ship which reached Machilipatnam, under the captainship of Rippon:- Globe
20.Under whose leadership english traders entered into India?-Captain Hawkins