General Awareness -Miscellaneous
1-What county has a national dog (only one country has one) ?- Netherlands.
2-What is the leading cause of death in China ?- Respiratory Disease.
3-What links horses rabbits and rats ?- Cannot Vomit.
4-George Washington carried a portable what ?- Sundial.
5-73% of what is produced and consumed in the USA ?- Internet Pornography.
6-Half the population of China is what ?- Short Sighted.
7-Telephone poles are mostly made from what wood ?- Chestnut.
8-Ninkasi was the ancient Egyptian goddess of what ?- Beer.
9-All commercially bred turkeys are what ?- Artificially Inseminated – males oversized.
10-What was the Bikini originally called ?- The Atom.
11-What magazine has the largest unpaid circulation in the US ?- Disney Channel Magazine.
12-In Omaha Nebraska its illegal for a barber to shave what ?- A mans chest.
13-Ancient Chinese thought what fruit a symbol long life immortality ?- Peach.
14-What colour are the Amazon river dolphins ?- Pink.
15-If you had aprosexia what would be impaired or reduced ?- Ability to study.
16-Name the first mailman in Philadelphia ?- Benjamin Franklin.
17-15% of American males are what – so are bulls ?- Colour Blind.
18-There are over 800 brands of what for sale in the USA ?- Bottled Water.
19-In what country do they answer the phone by saying I’m listening ?- Russia.
20-The Chinese apple is another name for what fruit ?- Pomegranate.
21-What is the name of the elephant headed god in India ?- Ganesh.
22-Where is a horses poll ?- Between its ears.
23-Who said “Losing my virginity was a career move” ?- Madonna.
24-Alces Alces is the Latin name for what animal ?- Moose.
25-A talus is what geographical feature ?- Boulders fallen from mountain.
26-In Virginia its against the law for people to bribe except who ?- Political Candidates.
27-What has 121 holes ?- Chinese Checkerboard.
28-What is the name for a male ferret ?- Jack.
29-What is silviculture ?- Forestry.
30-What national flag has the largest animal emblem – a lion ?- Sri Lanka