Biology- One Liners
1-The study of human evaluation is Anthropology
2-The scientific name of man is Homosapian
3-The science of heredity is known as Genetics
4-The human animal which has XY pair of chromosomes is called male.
5-Differences in characters with in very closely related groups of organisms are called variations.
6-The book of Darwin is The origin of species
7-Darwin was influenced by Malthus theory.
8-Survival of fittest struggle for existence and natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin.

9-Structurally different but functionally similar organs are called Analogousorgans.
10-Structurally similar and functionally different organs are called Homologousorgans.
11-Alfred Russel Wallace did his studies in Indonesian Islands.

12-Charles Darwin voyaged in the ship named HMS begal.
13-Inheritance and acquired characters was proposed by Charles Darwin.
14-Sex chromosomes were discovered by Waltercetton and Morgan.
15-principles of geology was written by Sir, Charleslyeli.
16-The hormone which suppresses the hunger is Leptin.
17-The chemoreceptors otherwise are called Olfactory receptors.
18-The receptors that identify the taste and smell are called Chemoreceptors.
19-Pavlov conducted experiments on conditional reflexes.

20-The process of chewing and grinding the food in our mouth is called Mastication.