Biology – Study of Micro-Organisms- Important Points

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Study of Micro-Organisms-2




1-Micro-organisms are to be found in air, soil, water, within thebodies of plants and animals.

2-Microbes are useful in home, industry, cleaning the environment.

3-Soil microbes degrade organic wastes into useful nutrients.This helps plans in their growth and development.

4-Some micro-organisms cause diseases in humans, plants and other animals.

5-Some insects and animals act as vectors of microbes.

6-Some microbes release toxins in improperly preserved food, which causes food poisoning.

7-Pasteurisation helps in milk preservation.

8-The bacterium rhizobium present in the root nodules of many leguminous plants fixes atmospheric nitrogen.

9-Some micro-organisms are very useful to our everyday life.e.g Curd making bacteria, in preparation of idly, dosa, bread and cake.

10-The process of converting sugar into alcohol is known as fermentation.

11-Antibiotics are produced by growing specific organisms.

12-Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics.

13-Streptomycin, erythromycin are some of the examples of antibiotics.

14-Dr Jonas Salk discovered vaccine for Polio in 1952.

15-Vaccination was discovered by Edward Jenner.

15-The weakened disease causing micro-organisma which are injected into our bodies are called as vaccine.

16-Rhizobium present in the root nodules of many leguminous plants such as beans and peas.

17-Communicable diseases -The diseases which spread from one person to another (infected to healthy)are known as Communicable diseases.

18-Vectors -The disease carrying organisms are called vectors.

19-Pathogens -The disease causing organisms are called Pathogens

20-Symbiosis -The mutual beneficial relationship between organisms is called SYMBIOSIS.The participants organisms are called symbiosis.

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