Computer One-Liners for various competitive examinations
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Here are some important Computer one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Computer Bits below.
1- Full form of DOS– Disk Operating System
2- Slides prepared in MS PowerPoint.
3- Full form of DBMS– Data Base Management System
4- We can detect spelling and grammar error by- Press F7
5- Shortcut Key for Find and Replace dialog box is- Ctrl + H
6- Shortcut Key for insert hyperlink in document is- Ctrl + K
7-Shortcut key for Subscript is Ctrl + =
8- Shortcut Key for Superscript is Ctrl + Shift + =
9- Shortcut Key for font dialog box is Ctrl + D
10- To print the power point presentation, press Ctrl + P.
11- Router device connects LAN to the Internet.
12- SIM means Subscriber Identity Module.
13-Ctrl + S is for -To Save
14-COBOL is Common Business Oriented Language.
15- The Full form of COMPUTER is- Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technology Education and Research.
16- SAN refers to- Storage Area Network
17= URL is Uniform Resource Locator
18- The Full form of IP– Internet Protocol
19- The Full form of WWW– World Wide Web
20-RDBMS means- Relational Data Base Management System
21-Open, Print and Save display in Standard Tool Bar.
22-OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding.
23-DOS file names are restricted to 8 Characters.
24-Classic OOP – Object Oriented programming can be traced back to a language called Simula and in particular Simula 67, which was popular during the 1960s.
25- OOP was practised in the 1980s.
26-DIP stands for Dependency Inversion Principle.
27- Single Binary Digit is Bit.
28-DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line.
29-The part of a computer which is used for calculating and comparing is ALU.
30- Process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk is called Installation.
31- When in use, software is temporarily stored in RAM.
32-Errors in a software program are referred to as Bugs.
33- Pixels are Dots on the screen arranged in rows.
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