Economy One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important Economy one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Economy Bits below.
1-Adam Smith is called the Father of Economics.
2-Private Sector Mutual Funds in India were permitted in the year 1993.
3-Jawaharlal Nehru has introduced the concept of Five Year Plans in India.

4-India is self-sufficient in the production of which of the Milk.
5-M Visvesvaraya wrote the book ‘Planned Economy for India’.
6-World Bank classifies countries according to development based on Per capita income.
7-John Locke said that ‘Where there is no Law there will not be Liberty’.
8-Morarji Desai was the author of the chapter on ‘Objectives of Planned Development’ for the Third Five Year Plan.

9-Union Government Excise Duties taxes gives the highest annual yield.
10-Wool & Mutton pairs of goods is an example of Joint Supply.
11-Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India have been merged as per the recommendation of the Narasimhan Committee.
12-Agricultural farmers are not protected against inflation, but Salaried class, Industrial workers, and Pensioners are protected against inflation.
13- Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam advocated the ‘PURA’ model to eradicate rural poverty.

14-The Eighth Five-Year Plan has recognized human development as the core of all developmental efforts.
15-Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission.
16-PDS is the abbreviated name associated with food security.
17- RBI is the Banker of the Banks.
18-Recession: It is a reduction in demand and production/ investment over a short period of time.
19-Boom: The term refers to the rapid and all-round spurt in economic activity.
20-SDR-It is treated as artificial currency.
21- Rs 50 Mahatma Gandhi series of currency notes issued by the RBI has a drawing of the ‘Parliament House’ depicted on it.

22-Eighth Five Year Plan had an actual growth rate higher than the targeted growth rate.
23-In India, single biggest employment is agriculture and allied activities.
24- Rs 100 Mahatma Gandhi series of currency notes issued by the RBI has ‘ecology’ depicted on it.
25-Insurance Companies issue ‘ULIP’.
Also, watch another article on Economy here
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