General Awareness for various competitive examinations

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We know the importance of Current Affairs mainly general awareness, GK (General Knowledge) in various competitive exams for aspirants.
We are publishing general awareness notes, bits and study material daily.
We publish articles on this page from general studies and general knowledge point of view.
These notes are extremely useful for all types of exams including Bank Exams.
More General Awareness Study Material & notes will be updated
General Awareness bits help in the last minute preparation for various exams.
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1-IRDP was introduced during the Sixth Five Year Plan.
2-Iron rusts quickly in Rainwater.
3-J. B. Say’s Law Market was accepted by Adam Smith, Marshall and David Ricardo but not accepted by Malthus.
4-Isotopes are separated by Distillation.
5-Iron rust due to the action of Oxygen and water.
6-Inflation implies a rise in the general price index.
7-Jharkhand shares boundary with West Bengal, Odisha, and Chattisgarh.
8-Just before midnight 14th August 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru rose in the Constituent Assembly to deliver the most famous speech ever made by an Indian. ‘Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny’ were the opening lines of the speech.

9-Kanva dynasty was established by Vasudeva.
10-Kautilya also known as Vishnugupta and Chanakya is the author of Arthasastra which has been compared with Machiavelli’s Prince.
11-Kanyakumari is situated in Tamil Nadu.
12-Kanchipuram is in Tamil Nadu.
13-Jatakas are the stories of Buddha’s previous lives.
14-Khajuraho temples were built by rulers of dynasty Chandela.

15-Khilafat Movement was organized to protest against the injustice done to Turkey.
16-Kodaikanal, the famous hill-station of South India, is situated on Palni hills.

17-Krishnadevaraya built the Krishnaswami temple in Hampi. It is situated in the present state of Karnataka.
18-Lack of an atmosphere around the Moon is due to the low escape velocity of air molecule and low gravitational attraction.
19-Lakshadweep is a group of 36 islands.
20-Kudremukh hills, name literally meaning Horse face, in Karnataka are famous for Iron Ore mines.
21-Krivoy-Rog has rich resources of Iron- ore.
22-Koyna Hydroelectric Power Project constructed over Koyna river, a tributary of Krishna river, is located in Maharashtra state.
23-Kiel Canal connects Baltic Sea and the North Sea.

24-Lake Sambhar is nearest to Jaipur city of Rajasthan.
25-Lakshadweep Islands are the product of reef formation.
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