Geography One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Maximum questions come from Geography portion in different competitive exams.
Here are some important Geography one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Geography Bits below.
1-From origin to a delta, the Brahmaputra river traverses places like Tibet, India, Bangladesh.
2-Contour farming is the term used to describe cultivation on the hill slopes with small patches of land in descending order.
3-After textile, the second largest industry in India is Sugar.
4-Rainfall in Winter in Tamil Nadu is due to North-East Monsoon.
5-The Bhilai Steel Plant is located in Chhattisgarh.
6-National Library, the largest library in India is in West Bengal.

7- Sone is the tributary of the Northward flowing Ganga.
8- The first Bio-Reserve was established in Nilgiri in India.
9-Border of the states that touch Myanmar border are Manipur, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.
10-Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Rajasthan touch the boundary of Haryana.
11-The most densely populated State in India is Bihar.
12-Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra states touch the boundary of Madhya Pradesh.
13- The percentage of India’s population to the world population is 17 percent.
14- Russia is the largest producer of coal.
15-The smallest country in South America is Surinam.
16-The equator passes through Africa but does not pass through Australia, North America, and South America.
17-Coal is an organic rock.
18- Alluvial soil is found in Indo-Gangetic planes.
19- The Tidal forest is otherwise called as Mangrove forest.
20-Potato was introduced to Europe by Spanish.
21-Virtually treeless, sparse vegetation is found in Tundra.
22-Western Europe region is famous for many kinds of wine and champagne.
23-Obsidian, Andesite, Gabbr, and Perodite are the examples of Extrusive rocks.
24- Indus river is the largest river of the Indian subcontinent.
25- Titan is the largest satellite of the planet Saturn.
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