Geography-One Liners
1-Hanging valley is formed due to the action of glacier.
2-Ten degree channel(water body) separates Andabar and Nicobar Islands.
3-Mawsynram is the wettest place in India.
4-Growing of a crop after the failure of main crop is called Catch Crop.
5-Bangladesh has the longest international boundary with India.
6-The period of one revolution of the Sun around the centre of galaxy is called Cosmic year.
7-Jawahar Lal Nehru made the statement ‘Multipurpose river valley projects are the new temples of modern India’.
8-Punjab is known as ‘Land of five rivers’.
9-The Indian Standard Time (IST) with reference to the Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) is 5 and a half hours ahead.
10-Lignite is known as brown coal.
11-A region of weak winds is known by the name Doldrums.
12-Sriharikota is the satellite launching centre of India.
13-Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is known as the ‘Missile Man of India’.
14-An Earthquake is also known as tremor.
15-In a desert region soil erosion can be checked by tree plantation.
16-Soil which is prone to intensive leaching due to leaching is called Laterite soil.
17-The refining capacity of crude oil in Hindustan Petroleum is highest at Bhatinda Oil Refinery.
18-Golden Revolution refers to the development of Horticulture.
19-Lines of equal pressure in a map are called Isobars.
20-The International Date line is 180 degree longitude.