1-The great barrier reef is located in Australia
2-Troposphere atmospheric layer is closest to the Earth
3-Andes is the longest continuous mountain range in the world
4-The mass of water vapour per unit volume in air is known as Absolute humidity
5-Ionosphere layer of atmosphere is responsible for deflection of radio waves
6-Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of Isopleths map
7-Equatorial low pressure belt region of the earth surface is called doldrums
8-Carbon Dioxide gas contributes the maximum to greenhouse effect
9-Rotation of the Earth causes the wind to be deflected towards the left in southern hemisphere
10-Lake victoria forms the international boundary between two countries Tanzania and Uganda
11-Plate Tectonics activities are considered to be the reason behind the drifting of continents on the earth surface
12-Ural mountain ranges separate Europe from Asia
13-The degree of hardness of minerals is indicated by Mons Scale
14-Pressure cooker is preferred for cooking at high altitudes because Boiling point of water reduces due to low atmospheric pressure
15-The process that tends to build up the land surface by deposition of solid material in its lower areas is known as Aggradation
16-Uranus planet is also known as lying planet
17-The continuous distance that wind blows over a water surface is known as Fetch
18-The only planet whose period of rotation is longer than the period of revolution around the sun is Venus
19-Dew Point is the term used to denote critical temperature at which the air gets saturated with water vapour and below which the condensation is likely to begin
20-Rain shadow effect is associated with Orographic type of rainfall