GK Business Questions 2024

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GK Business Questions 2024- July 09


  1. How many new jobs were created in the Indian economy during 2023-24?
  2. What was the total number of people employed in India in the financial year ended on March 31, 2024?
  3. From which figure did the total number of employed people in India rise from 2022-23 to 2023-24?
  4. How many jobs were created on average between 2017-18 and 2021-22?
  5. By how much did the average number of jobs created more than double in 2023-24?
  6. What does the RBI’s KLEMS database cover?
  7. How many industries are aggregated in the RBI’s KLEMS database?
  8. How many sectors are formed from the 27 industries covered in the RBI’s KLEMS database?
  9. For the first time, what estimate has the RBI made for FY24?
  10. What reflects the quality of labour in the Indian economy according to the RBI data?
  11. How has the employment trend changed across education levels and age groups?
  12. What was the unemployment ratio in FY24 compared to FY18?
  13. Which sector is now absorbing most of the workforce moving out of agriculture?
  14. How does the current employment trend compare to the 2000-2011 period?
  15. Which activities are seeing an increase in the share of educated workers?
  16. What is the government’s focus in making India a global manufacturing hub?
  17. By how much is industrial and warehouse logistics supply projected to grow in FY25?
  18. What will be the nearly projected warehousing space in India’s eight major cities in FY25?
  19. Which types of warehouses will take up a bigger share of the market?
  20. What is the estimated absorption increase in warehousing space for FY25?
  21. Which sectors are driving the strong demand for warehousing space in India?
  22. What is emerging as a future growth engine for global tourism from India?
  23. How is the recovery of the tourism sector different in the Asia Pacific region?
  24. What is the current status of outbound and domestic travel from China?
  25. How are Indian tourists positioned in the future of global tourism?
  26. Which presidencies have prioritized human capital and skills issues in tourism for 2024?
  27. How has tourism globally rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic?
  28. What did the COVID-19 pandemic lead to in terms of tourism flows in 2020-21?
  29. What has Hyundai Motor started receiving preorders for?
  30. By what percentage did diversity hiring surge in India in June year-on-year?
  31. Which industries led the surge in diversity hiring in June?
  32. Which cities in India led as hiring hubs showcasing diversity hiring trends?
  33. What was the overall hiring activity increase in India yearly from June 2023 to June 2024?
  34. By what percentage did hiring activity increase monthly in June 2024?
  35. What has been the hiring growth percentage in India over the past six months?
  36. Who commented on the 33 percent year-over-year increase in diversity hiring?
  37. What does the 33 percent increase in diversity hiring underscore about D&I policies?


  1. 46.6 million new jobs were created in the Indian economy during 2023-24.
  2. The total number of people employed in India was 643.3 million in the financial year ended on March 31, 2024.
  3. The total number of employed people in India rose from 596.7 million in 2022-23.
  4. An average of 20 million jobs was created between 2017-18 and 2021-22.
  5. The number of jobs created more than doubled during 2023-24.
  6. The RBI’s KLEMS database covers five key inputs of production: Capital (K), Labour (L), Energy (E), Materials (M), and Services (S).
  7. The RBI’s KLEMS database covers 27 industries.
  8. The 27 industries are aggregated to form six sectors that cover the entire economy.
  9. The RBI has made a provisional estimate of productivity for the total economy in FY24.
  10. The quality of labour in the economy is reflected based on the education level of the workers.
  11. The data shows an increase in employment across education levels and age groups.
  12. The unemployment ratio was 1.4 percent in FY24 compared to 2.2 percent in FY18.
  13. The services sector, excluding construction, is now absorbing most of the workforce moving out of agriculture.
  14. During 2000-2011, the construction sector was providing the bulk of jobs to the workforce.
  15. High-skilled activities, such as financial and business services, education, and health care, are seeing an increase in the share of educated workers.
  16. The government is focusing on making India a global manufacturing hub.
  17. Industrial and warehouse logistics supply is projected to grow by 13-14 percent year-on-year in FY25.
  18. The projected warehousing space in India’s eight major cities in FY25 will be nearly 424 million square feet.
  19. Grade A warehouses will take up a bigger share of the market.
  20. The absorption is estimated to increase to 47 million square feet in FY25.
  21. The e-commerce, manufacturing, and logistics sectors are driving the strong demand for warehousing space in India.
  22. Outbound travel from India is emerging as a future growth engine for global tourism.
  23. The recovery of the tourism sector is different in the Asia Pacific region.
  24. Outbound travel from China has picked up, and domestic tourism is expanding, but inbound tourism remains significantly down.
  25. Indian tourists are emerging as a future growth engine for global tourism.
  26. The Brazil G20 Presidency and the Italy G7 Presidency have prioritized human capital and skills issues in tourism for 2024.
  27. Globally, tourism has rebounded strongly after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  28. The COVID-19 pandemic led tourism flows to plummet in 2020-21.
  29. Hyundai Motor has started receiving preorders for the company’s Casper Electric mini SUV.
  30. Diversity hiring surged by 33 percent in India in June year-on-year.
  31. The BFSI and IT-software services industries led the surge in diversity hiring in June.
  32. Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru led as hiring hubs showcasing positive diversity hiring trends.
  33. The overall hiring activity in India saw a 12 percent yearly increase from June 2023 to June 2024.
  34. Hiring activity increased by 2 percent monthly in June 2024.
  35. Hiring has seen a robust 15 percent growth in India over the past six months.
  36. Sekhar Garisa, CEO of foundit, commented on the 33 percent year-over-year increase in diversity hiring.
  37. The 33 percent increase in diversity hiring underscores the critical role that diversity and inclusion policies play in shaping India’s workforce today.

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Business quiz questions with answers-2024

Business Quiz Questions

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