1-Air occupies Space & mass
2-he major components of air are Nitrogen & Oxygen
3-The process of preparation of food by plants is called Photosynthesis
4-The vegetables such as carrot,beet root and radish that you eat are Roots
5-Leaves are green because they have Chlorophyll.
6-From the heart,the blood is transported to all the organs of the body by Arteries.
7-The plants use which part of air for their food Carbon dioxide
8-Water freezes into ice at 0 degree C.
9-Water boils at 80 degree C.
10-Which source of energy wind is ? -Renewable
11-Which energy is released by a transistor -Sound
12-Electrical energy is converted mainly into light energy in Filament
13-Water stored in a high-level dam has Potential energy
14-A substance which can exist as solid,liquid and gas – Water
15-The dry cell produces electric energy from Chemical energy
16-Musical instrument in which sound is produced by the vibration of air is-Flute
17-A famous mathematician of ancient India is Aryabhatta
18-The power of an electric bulb is marked in Watts
19-The unit used for measuring distances between heavenly objects is Light Year
20-Which teeth are replaced by the permanent teeth -Milk teeth