Project Tiger was launched in India in the year 1972
The largest member of the cat family is the Tiger
The largest division of the animal kingdom is the Arthropoda
Ranganthittu bird sanctuary is located near Mysore
How many teeth a turtle has ‘Eight’
The average pregnancy period of a female dog is 63 days
The largest Indian deer is the Sambar
A common domesticated animal which is colour-blind is the Dog
A camel can remain without water for 30 days
The number of bones in the giraffe’s neck is ‘Seven’
The first animal to go into space was Dog
The only animal which has four knees is the Elephant
The organ which is missing in the Camel is the Gall bladder
Red panda is also known as the Cat bear
The fish that can taste with its whole body is the Catfish
The elephant’s trunk is actually a modified Incisor
Giant stick Insect is the longest insect in the world
Ora is the largest known frog
Tropical cockroach is the fastest moving insect in the world.
Great Bustard is the bird which has the largest wing span.