GK/General Awareness/G-Studies,

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1- Govind III ,Rashtrakut king defeated the Pratihar ruler Nagabhatta I

2-  Chambal river is an example of the superimposed drainage.

3-Burzahom site has yielded skeleton of dog along with human skeleton in burial.

4-Home Rule Movement in India became popular during the first World War.

5-The name by which Ashoka is generally reffered to in his inscription is Priyadarshi.

6-The name of the founder of the Red Cross is Baden Powel

7-The newspaper ‘Man in India’ was edited by Surjit Chadra Sinha.

8-The nickname of English East India Company was John Company

9-The number of chromosomes in human beings is 46.

10-The ocean’s greatest depth is Mariana Trench

11-The official historian of the movement of 1857 was S. N. Sen

12-The official religion during the rule of the Sunga dynasty was  Brahmanism

13- The only judge of the Supreme Court to have been elevated directly to the post from being a lawyer – Justice Santosh Hedge

14-The only ruler of India who ruled over territories in Central Asia beyond the Pamirs was Kanishka

15- The original name of the Kushanas was in Chinese Turkistan

16-The place of origin of red gram is South Africa

17-The planet which is called twin sister of earth is Venus

18-The power of the great Cholas was established by Aditya

19-The President of Surat Session of Indian National Congress, 1907 was R. B. Ghosh.

20-The ‘Regur’ soil is Black soil.

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