History One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important History one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important History Bits below.
Indus Valley Civilisation

1- The town planning and urbanism are the most important feature of Harappan civilization.
2-Harappa was the first Indus site that was discovered by Dayaram Sahni in 1921. The site is situated in the province of West Punjab, Montgomery district in Pakistan.
3-Harappa is located on the bank of river Ravi and Harappans knew the art of growing cereals, wheat and barley.
4- The people of Harappa were the earliest people in the world to grow cotton and rice
5-The people of Harappa used a system of weights and measures based on 16 and its multiples
6-Meluha was the ancient name given to Indus region.
7-Indus people were the first to use copper in India
8- The people of Indus region had trade contacts with the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia. They used a gold-silver mixture called Electrum.
9-The people of Indus region also used bronze and copper but iron was unknown to them.
10-Pasupati Mahadeva (Porto Siva) was the chief male deity of the Indus people. Their Chief female deity was the Mother Goddess
11-Harappan seals were made of Terra – Cotta and their script was Pictographic in nature, which has not been deciphered so far.
12-Indus Valley civilization is a Bronze Age civilization or a proto Historic civilization. The civilization belongs to the Chalcolithic period dated between 3000 BC and 1500 BC.
13-Indus people also worshipped fire, pipal trees and Unicorn.
14-The largest number of Harappan sites in post-independent India have been discovered from Gujarat.
15-Harappan civilization has spread from Jammu in the North to the Narmada in the South and from Makran coast of Baluchistan in the West to Meerat in the East.
16-The people of Harappa had domesticated oxen, camel, sheeps, buffaloes, goats, domestic fowls, and pigs. The given special importance was given to Humped bulls. Horses were unknown to the Harappan people.
17-Chess – like game of Harappans was called Sent
18-The Northernmost point of Indus valley civilization was called as Gumla in Jammu and the Southernmost was called as Daimbad.
19-Mohanjedaro was excavated in 1922 by R.D. Banerjee. Mohanjedaro is situated in the Larkana district in Sind on the right bank of river Indus (Now in Pakistan)
20-Mohanjedaro word in Sindi language means the mount of the dead.
21-An assembly hall was also discovered from Mohanjodaro
22-the Great Bath a piece of woven cotton, The Great Granery, a beared man in steatite and a bronze dancing girl are found from Mohanjedaro.
23-The people of Harappa knew the art of growing cereals, wheat and barley.
24-, Another famous Indus city is Kalibangan that was discovered in 1953 by A Ghosh. It is situated in Rajasthan on the banks of River Ghaggar. Kalibangan stands for black bangles.
25-Ropar is the site situated in Punjab on the banks of river Sutlej. It was discovered in 1953 by Y.D.Sharma.
26-Lothal was the first man-made port in the world and dockyard made of burnt bricks. The site was discovered in 1953 by S.R. Rao and is situated in Gujarat on Bhogava river near Gulf of Cambay.
27-Chanhudaro site was discovered by N. Gopal Majumdar and Mackey. The site is situated in Sind on the bank of river Indus.
28-Mohanjodaro site was believed to have destructed by the flood.
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