History One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important History one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important History Bits below.
1-Marco Polo, the Venetian traveller, travelled from Venice to China and Japan in 1288 – 93
2- Hippocrates is known as the father of Modern Medicine

3-Aristophanes is considered as the master of Greek comedy
4-Egypt is called Gift of the Nile
5-Rivers Tigris and Euphrates are associated with Mesopotamian Civilization
6-Babar entered India for the first time through Punjab
7-India derives its name from The river Indus
8-The magnificent temple at Halebid was established by Hoysala
9-The first Indian ruler who joined the subsidiary Alliance was The Nizam of Hyderabad
10- Tagara is one of the important trade centres of ancient India was on the trade route connecting Kalyana with Vengi
11-The first Indian ruler to organize Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state was Akbar
12-In the year 1487, Bartholomew Diaz reached Cape of Good Hope
13- Brazil was discovered in 1500
14-Robert Peary discovered the North Pole

15-Habeas Corpus Act was passed in 1679
16-In the year 1775 American Revolution started
17-French Revolution was started in the Year 1789
18-Bismarck is known as Man of Blood and Iron

19-Jefferson was the author of the American Declaration of Independence
20-The Renaissance scientist who explained how planets moved around the sun was Kepler
21- Vidhushaka, a common character in Sanskrit drama is invariably a Brahmana
22-‘Live well, as long as you live. Live well even by borrowings, for once cremated, there is no return’. The rejection of afterlife is an aphorism of the Charvakas
23-Toramana belonged to the ethnic horde of the Hunas
24-Amir Khusrau is said to have witnessed the reigns of eight Delhi Sultans
25-Gulbadan Begum wrote a historical account during the Mughal period
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