Questions on Human Food and Nutrition

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Questions on Human Food and Nutrition

  1. “Don’t just consume food; ask questions on human food and nutrition to truly nourish your life.”
  2. “The key to a healthy life lies not in your pantry, but in your questions on human food and nutrition.”
  3. “You’re not just what you eat, you’re what you know—so dig into questions on human food and nutrition.”
  4. “Don’t settle for fast food answers; ask gourmet questions on human food and nutrition.”
  5. “The best recipe for well-being starts with the right questions on human food and nutrition.”
  6. “Unlock the secret ingredients of a healthy life by asking questions on human food and nutrition.”
  7. “Questions on human food and nutrition are the seasoning that spices up a lifelong journey toward health.”
  8. “Make every meal a feast for thought by asking questions on human food and nutrition.”
  9. “Elevate your daily diet to a lifetime curriculum; start asking questions on human food and nutrition.”
  10. “Think of questions on human food and nutrition as your roadmap to a destination called ‘Wellness.'”

One-Liner Questions:

  1. What are the three nutrients tested for in food items?
  2. What is the primary role of carbohydrates in the body?
  3. How do fats compare to carbohydrates in terms of energy provision?
  4. What are foods containing fats and carbohydrates commonly called?
  5. What is the primary function of proteins?
  6. What is another name for foods that are rich in proteins?
  7. What role do vitamins play in our health?
  8. Can you name some types of vitamins?
  9. What is the function of Vitamin A and Vitamin C?
  10. What is the role of minerals in the body?
  11. What nutrient is abundant in rice?
  12. Besides nutrients, what else does our body need?
  13. What is roughage and what is its role in our diet?
  14. What are the main sources of roughage?
  15. What are the consequences of long-term nutrient deficiency?
  16. What constitutes a balanced diet?


  1. The three nutrients tested for in food items are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  2. The primary role of carbohydrates is to provide energy to our body.
  3. Fats provide much more energy compared to the same amount of carbohydrates.
  4. Foods containing fats and carbohydrates are commonly called ‘energy giving foods.’
  5. The primary function of proteins is for the growth and repair of our body.
  6. Foods that are rich in proteins are often called ‘body building foods.’
  7. Vitamins help in protecting our body against diseases and maintaining the health of our eyes, bones, teeth, and gums.
  8. Some types of vitamins are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and K, along with a group of vitamins known as Vitamin B-complex.
  9. Vitamin A keeps our skin and eyes healthy, while Vitamin C helps the body to fight against many diseases.
  10. Minerals are needed in small amounts by our body for proper growth and to maintain good health.
  11. Rice is abundant in carbohydrates, making it a “carbohydrate rich” source of food.
  12. Besides nutrients, our body also needs dietary fibres and water.
  13. Roughage, also known as dietary fibres, is an essential component of our food that adds to its bulk, helping our body get rid of undigested food.
  14. The main sources of roughage are whole grains and pulses, potatoes, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
  15. Long-term deficiency of one or more nutrients may cause certain diseases or disorders.
  16. A balanced diet provides all the nutrients that our body needs, in the right quantities, along with an adequate amount of roughage and water.

Also Read: Quiz on Health-Latest

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