History-Important One Liners
1-Aryabhatta was a pioneer in the field of mathematics. He was a fifth-century astrologer, mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. Aryabhattiya was written by him, which is a summary of the mathematics of his time.
2-India’s first satellite in the name of Aryabhatta was sent into orbit.
3-Brahmgupta developed methods of multiplication and also introduced negative numbers in the 7th century. Brahmasphuta Siddhanta was written by him.
4-Mahaviracharya is a Jain Guru, who wrote Ganit Sara Sangraha. This is the first textbook on arithmetic in present day form.
5-Least common Multiple (LCM) of given numbers was described by Mahaviracharya.
6-Kanad was a scientist of Vaisheshika School of philosophy.
7-Varahamihira, one of the nine gems, in the court of Vikramaditya was a well-known scientist of the Gupta period.

8-Varahmihira wrote a book Brhat Samhita.
9-Nagarjuna was a scientist, who wrote a book Rasaratnakara.
10-Ayurveda literally means the science of good health and longevity of life.
11-Ancient India ayurvedic practitioners are Susruta, Charak, Vagbhatta, Madhava, and Jeevak.
12-Susruta is called the father of surgery.
13-Charak is known as the father of Ayurvedic medicine.

14-In Susruta Samhita, Susruta has described over 1100 diseases.
15-The greatest contribution of Susruta was in the fields of Rhinoplasty (plastic surgery) and Ophthalmic surgery (removal of cataracts).
16-Susruta Samhita gave a description of 101 instruments used in surgery.
17-Charak was the Raj Vaidya (royal doctor) in the court of Kanishka.
18-The credit of science of yoga goes to Patanjali.
19-Panini’s grammar is known as Mahabhasaya.
20-Om is spoken as the symbol of God in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
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