GK Terminology
1-Treason- Betrayal of ones country or government
2-Chateau (pl. chateaux) – Castle or stately residence belonging to a king or a nobleman
3- Manor - An estate consisting of the lords lands and his mansion
4-Subsistence crisis - An extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood are endangered
5- Anonymous - One whose name remains unknown
6-Taille - Tax to be paid directly to the state
7-Clergy - Group of persons invested with special functions in the church
8-Livre - Unit of currency in France, discontinued in 1794
9-Tithe - A tax levied by the church, comprising one-tenth of the agricultural produce
10-Suffragette movement – A movement to give women the right to vote.
11-Jadidists - Muslim reformers within the Russian empire
12-Real wage - Reflects the quantities of goods which the wages will actually buy
13-Autonomy - The right to govern themselves
14- Nomadism – Lifestyle of those who do not live in one place but move from area to area to earn their living
15-Deported - Forcibly removed from ones own country.
16-Exiled - Forced to live away from ones own country.
17-Genocidal – Killing on large scale leading to destruction of large sections of people
18-Proletarianisation - To become impoverished to the level of working classes.
19-Propaganda - Specific type of message directly aimed at influencing the opinion of people (through the use of posters, films,
speeches, etc.)
20-Concentration camp A camp where people were isolated and detained without due process of law. Typically, it was surrounded
by electrified barbed wire fences.
21-Nordic German Aryans One branch of those classified as Aryans. They lived in north European countries and had German
or related origin
22-Usurers - Moneylenders charging excessive interest; often used as a term of abuse
23-Pauperised - Reduce to absolute poverty
24-Persecution - Systematic, organised punishment of those belonging to a group
or religion
25-Synagogues - Place of worship for people of Jewish faith