General Awareness for various competitive examinations

Thank You all for all for landing at the page of General Awareness.
General Awareness plays an important role in various competitive examinations conducted by various organizations.
General Awareness bits help in the last minute preparation for various exams.
General Awareness One-Liners help a lot.
Watch below some of General Awareness-One Liners
1- Sri Lanka country Prime Minister residence is known as Temple Tree
2-The Kyoto protocol started in the year 1997
3- Strategic Air Command (SAC) headquarters is located in Columbia
4-Last king of Chola dynasty was Rajendra Chola III
5-Study of sand is called as arenology
6- Indian Hockey team won the Olympic in 1928
7-Archery was introduced in Olympics in 1900
8-IPCC full form is Intergovernmental Penal On Climate Change
9-Malaysian flag has 14 lines between two symbols
10-Animal protection day is 4th October
11-Motilal Nehru was a co-founder of Swaraj party

12-Clouds float in the sky because of their low density
13-Aryabhatta was launched in 1975
14-AMRUT yojna named after JNNURM
15-Hyderabad is the Pearl city of India
16-IIM has been recently opened in Andhra Pradesh
17-Priyanka Chopra has won people choice award 2016 for serial Quantico

18-Most intelligent mammal in the world is Dolphins
19- The Full form of CDM- Cash Deposit Machine
20-Lord Dufferin was the governor when national Congress established
21-The Indian PM, who did not work as Chief Minister was Indira Gandhi
22-Capital city of Syria is Damascus
23-Galvanometer device is used to measure current
24-H S Prannoy is a Badminton Player
25-Full form of IUCN- International Union for Conservation of Nature
26- HCL is the Digestive acid
27-The biggest nuclear plant in India is Tarapur Atomic Power Station
28-ELISA is the test for AIDS but it is caused by virus HIV
29-The process of coating on the surface of a metal with zinc is called Galvanisation
30-The scientist who got Nobel Prize for malaria is Sir Ronald Ross
Also, watch General Awareness other bits here
Also watch Current Affairs here
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