General Awareness

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General Awareness – Physics

1-The process of using X rays in medical diagnosis is called radiography.

2-The radiations that have wavelengths larger than those of visible light is Infrared.

3-The radiations that can be detected by Thermopiles,voltmeters etc are infrared.

4-Infrared radiations can be used to take photographs of objects in darkness.

5-The process of curing certain diseases using X rays is called radio therapy.

6-All electronic magnetic waves are in transverse in nature.

7-Atmospheric ozone is depleted in recent years as a result of chemical reactions with fluorocarbons.

8-Rays that are produced in the decay of certain elementary particles are Gamma rays.

9-The radiation of shorter wavelength are Gamma rays.

10-The most penetrating radiations are Gamma rays.

11-A medium transmits  sound wave through it by virtue of its elasticity and inertia.

12-Energy is carried continuously by progressive waves.

13-The points in a standing wave where the amplitude is maximum  are called antinodes.

14-A wave that consists of  set  of crests and troughs is known as transverse wave.

                                                              Transverse plane wave

15-A wave that consists of a set of compressions and rarefactions is called longitudinal wave.

16-Periodic vibrations of decreasing amplitude are called  Damped vibrations.

17-When a body is set into vibrations and then left to itself , the vibrations are called Free Vibrations.

18-When the body executes vibrations under the action of an external periodic force then the vibrations of the body are called Forced Vibrations.

19-Sound can not travel through vacuum.

20-S.I unit of  wavelength is metre.

21-The velocity of sound is the product of its wavelength andfrequency.

22-The waves that oscillates between nodes and antinodes is called stationary wave.

23-When soldiers cross a suspension bridge, they are asked to break their steps to prevent resonance.

24-The elevation in a transverse wave is called a crest.

25-The distance travelled by the wave in a time period is called wavelength.

26-The unit of frequency is Hertz.

27-The depression in a transverse wave is called a trough.

28-In longitudinal waves the distance between any two successive compressions or rarefactions is equal to wavelength.

29-Particles undergo minimum displacement at nodes in a stationary wave.

30-The wave theory of light was proposed by Huygen.

                                                                 Christiaan Huygens

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