General Awareness- Miscellaneous
1-What was a Nuremberg egg ?- Ans- Pocket watch / clock.
2-What was Britain’s first colony (annexed in 1583) ?-Ans- Newfoundland.
3-Avocado fruit contains the most protein.
4-If you were misocapnic what do you hate ?-Ans- Tobacco Smoke
5-An isoneph on a map joins places of equal average Cloud cover.
6- Frances longest river is Loire.
7- Walt Disney’s first cartoon character is Oswald the Rabbit.
Walt Disney
8-Penicillin is discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940.
9-In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear ?- Red
10-A muster is a group of birds – Peacocks
11-China grew the first Orange.
12-Gossima was the original name of game- Table Tennis.
13- Steganography is invisible ink writing.
14-A fellmonger deals in Animal skins.
15-French ice cream contain Eggs by law.
16-A kindle is the name for a group of animals- Kittens
17-Star is the commonest symbol on flags of the world .
18-Zimbabwe country is alphabetically last.
19-Minerva is the Goddess of Wisdom.
20-If you were crapulous what would you be ?- Drunk.
21-One person every 6 seconds dies from contaminated water diseases.
22-Capybara is the worlds largest rodent.
23-The length of Great wall of China is approximately 1/10th circumference of earth.
Great wall of China
24-A moth was the world’s first computer bug in 1946.
25-A polythesistic person believe in many Gods.
26-Thespis founded the Greek theatre.
27-USA has most airports, Australia country has second most .
28-In 1829 Walter Hunt invented Safety Pin.
Walter Hunt
29-Fredrick Sanger discovered medical life saver called Insulin.
Fredrick Sanger
30-Dwarf Goby is Worlds smallest true fish
Dwarf Goby