Geography One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Maximum questions come from Geography portion in different competitive exams.
Here are some important Geography one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Geography Bits below.
1- From Europe which Sea does one have to cross to reach Northern Africa?
Ans-The Mediterranean Sea.
2-The Sahara and the Kalahari deserts are the two large deserts of Africa.
3-The zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn is the zone of Hottest region climate.
4-The two main rivers emptying themselves into the Atlantic ocean are River Volta and River Niger.
5-The two countries of Africa, where equatorial forests found are Uganda and Gabon.
6-In which direction does one have to travel from Africa to reach India?. Which Ocean has to be crossed?
Ans-North-East; The Indian Ocean.
7-Name the bays and gulfs in African Coast.
Ans- Bays– Bay of Madagascar, Bay of Somalia, Bay of Yemen, Bay of Djibouti.
Gulfs-Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Sidra.
8-The Countries that colonized in Africa are Belgium, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
9-Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Nyasa are main lakes in Africa. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa.

10-The world’s largest Gold and Diamonds mines are located in Africa.
11-In the year 1498, a Portuguese sailor named Vasco de Gama went around the Southern tip of Africa and reached India.
12-Atlas mountains are located on the north side of Africa.

13-What are the different Seas and Oceans that surround Africa?
Ans-Mediterranean to the north side, The Atlantic ocean on the west side and the Indian Ocean to the East side.
14-The countries through which Tropic of Capricorn is passing are South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, and Namibia.
15-The different countries that are located on the east side of Africa continent are Somalia, Tanzania, and Kenya etc.
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