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Important tribal groups and Communities   -Lists

Aptanis: Arunachal Pradesh

Abors: Arunachal Pradesh

Bhils: Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, some in Gujarat and Maharashtra

Baiga: Madhya Pradesh

Bhot: Himachal Pradesh

Badagas: Nilgiri (TN)

Bhotias: Garhwal and Kumaon regions of U. P.

Chenchus: Andhra Pradesh, Orissa

Chakma: Tripura

Garos: Meghalaya

Gujjars: Himachal Pradesh

Gonds: Madhya Pradesh. Also in Bihar, Orissa and A.P.

Gaddis: Himachal Pradesh

Jarawas: Little Andamans

Khasis: Assam, Meghalaya

Kol: Madhya Pradesh

Kuki: Manipur

Khas: Jaunsar-Babar area in U.P.

Kotas: Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)

Lushais: Mizoram

Lepchas: Sikkim

Mikirs: Assam

Mundas: Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal

Murias: Bastar (Madhya Pradesh)

Nagas (Angami, Sema, Ao, Tangkul, Lahora): Nagaland, some in Assam and NEFA region.

Onges: Andaman and Nicobar islands

Oarons (also called Kurukh): Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal.

Sentinelese: Sentinel Island, Andaman and Nicobar

Shompens: Andaman and Nicobar

Santals: Birbhum region in Bengal, Hazaribagh, Purnea in Bihar, Orissa

Todas: Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)

Uralis: Kerala

Warlis: Maharashtra

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