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1-The Country which ranks 1st in the production of Jute is India

2-Important centers of textile industry in India -Mumbai, Ahmadabad Sholapur, Nagpur, Coimbatore & Indore.

3-The State which ranks 1st in the production of Jute is West Bengal

4-The rank of India in the world Sugar cane production is -1st

5-The rank of India in the world Sugar production is -4th. First three are Cuba, Russia & Brazil.

6-The State which ranks 1st in the production of Vanaspathi ( Hydrogenated oil) is Maharastra

7-The State which ranks 1st in the production of Natural rubber is Kerala

8-The state topped in the textile products is Maharashtra

9-The main centers of wool industries in the country  are Ludhiana, Dharivar, Amritsar, Mumbai, Kanpur, Mirzapur, Agra, Baroda, Jay nagar & Srinagar

10-Golden Fiber of India -Jute

11-The industry which earns highest Foreign Exchange to India is -Jute industry

12-The 1st silk industry in India was set up at Howrah

13-The leather industry was highly developed in the State of Tamilnadu

14-The State which ranks 1st in the production of Sugar is Uttar Pradesh.

15-After Textile industry, the largest organised industry is Sugar industry

16-In India News print was 1st  manufactured at Nepa nagar Paper industry.

17-Growth of leather industry is mainly located in the states of Tamilnadu, West Bengal & Uttar Pradesh.

18-The city which is famous as Cotton police of India is Mumbai

19-The country which ranks 1st in the production of leather products is India

20-Important centers of Glass industry are Firozabad(UP) & Belgaum(Karnataka)

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