Production and management of food from plants
1-The plants which are grown in large number to get useful products are known as crops.
2-The process of yielding crops is called Agriculture.
3-Winter season crops are called Rabi.
4-Summer season crops are called Kharif.
5-Rice is the prime, most essential and important staple crop.It is also called global grain.
6-Weeds are the unwanted plants grown in between cultivated plants.
7-Manure is nneded for healthy growth of the plants.Manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium etc.
8-The process of watering crop plants in the field is known as Irrigation.
9-Crops that takes 180 days and above for harvesting are called long term crops.
10-Crops that takes 100 days and below for harvesting are called short terms crops.
11-The crops grown in the rainy season are termed as Kharif.It starts from June to October.
12-The crops grown in the winter season are called Rabi.It starts from November to April.
13-Manure is of two types.
a) Natural Manure(Bio-fertilizers)
b)Artificial Manure (Chemical fertilizers)
14-Sprinklers and drip irrigation techniques are used in drought prone areas.
15-Weeding increases crop yielding.
2-4D-Dicloro Phenoxy acetic acid is used for removing dicot weeds.
16-Proper storage of grains reduce the damage of grain by bacteria, fungi, pests, rats etc.
17-Ploughing -The process which helps in loosening the soils and helps in easy transportation of water is called ploughing.
18- Plots-The process of division of Agricultural land into different segments is called ploting and that segment is called plot.
19-Levelling -The process used to level the soil is called levelling.
20-Sowing -The process of placing seeds in cultivated lands is called sowing.