1-Name of Alexander’s horse – Beucephalus
2-Founder of modern Germany – Bismark
3-Singapore was founded by – Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
4-World Literacy day – 8th September
5-The famous British one-eyed Admiral was – Nelson
6-The person called the “Father of Modern Italy” – G. Garibaldi
7-Earlier name of Sri Lanka was – Ceylon
8-The first explorer to reach South Pole – Cap. Ronald Amundsun
9-UNO was formed in the year -1945
10-The primary producer of newsprint in the world – Canada
11-‘Last Judgement’ was the first painting of an Italian painter named – Michealangelo
12-Most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was – Guermica
13-The first man to reach North Pole was – Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
14-The first industrial revolution took place in – England
15-Permanant secretariat of SAARC is located at – Kathmandu
16-The country with the highest population density is – Moaco
17-The earlier name of New York city was – New Amsterdam
18-Red Cross was founded by – Jean Henri Durant
19-Eiffel tower was built by – Alexander Eiffel
20-Australia was discovered by – James Cook